Thursday, December 25, 2008

From the safety of the eagle’s nest…I’m wishing you a happy Christmas filled with peace and love

Just imagine the view from this perch. The nest is abandoned now, but I still protect the tree from attempts to cut it down. It lies just outside the periphery of my property. Maybe a lazy bird will need it one day.

The sky is blank grey-white and the snow is sheeting down. When it stops I’ll be hitting the drifts with my camera. I’ve decided to wait for a break in weather before trying again. My lens is trashed. Its scars show up routinely on every picture.

I’m so ready that I’m bundled up in my snow pants, toque and sweater in front of the window, watching and waiting from the warm indoors. Two feet of snow have fallen already. While I wait, here are a few more shots from the snow-kissed Pacific Northwest.

Please remember I’m a beginner photographer. I hope you also feel inspired to run out and get your own shots of a winter wonderland, wherever you are!

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