Sunday, November 22, 2009

The little shelter that could

This goat named Marty was a lobby greeter for the RAPS shelter until her mischief-making and counter-jumping caused so much ruckus that she had to be closed into a kennel in the dog area.

I stopped by one of my favorite shelters late last week.

The Richmond Animal Protection Society isn't nearly one of the largest shelters I have formed a relationship with. Nor is it the oldest, or the best financed.

But it does have something going for it.

A giant heart.

Executive director Carol Reichert provides the capable and compassionate leadership that makes it all possible for this little shelter that could.

Richmond Animal Protection Society executive director Carol Reichert cuddles a puppy picked up as a wandering stray two days ago.

Helen Savkovic and Bluey the cat work the intake desk together.


Anonymous said...

Carreen, your photography skills are becoming quite impressive. It is no secret that I am a huge fan of your writing. I am fast becoming as great a fan of your photographs. I am loving the composition and the stories they tell. Nice.


Carreen Maloney said...

Thank you Shelly! I could use some work on the technical side but I'm having fun.