I find cross-species love to be the most magnetic. Check out this Rhodesian Ridgeback who adopted a tiny orphaned piglet found freezing in the forest on a 20-acre farm in Hoerstel, Germany. Katjinga had just finished weaning a litter of her own. But when this pig came into her care, she soon started lactating again and is clearly enamored with her unlikely charge.

Carreen, I logged in to your web site today for the first time this week. Wow wow wow what fantastic pictures and story of the Rhodesian Ridgeback and the piglet. It brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you for sharing. Your stories and pictures are just amazing. Keep up the good work.
Carreen: I don't know if you remember me or not but your Mother sent me an e-mail and I blogged on for the first time in my life. You looked great and your stories are incredible. This one is very heartwarming.
Your Mother's friend Faith Cristall
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